Saturday, 24 May 2008

"I am very ugly and need to go to an ugly home."

The grand achievement of my day today has been coming to the realisation that an ugly home would be a very unfortunate place to live. I may even risk arrest and wear a balaclava in public to prevent such a turn of events. As of course I have one right here in my handbag...

The moral of this tale is that one hour of sleep is not really adequate to keep me in a state of coherence. In fact attempting to write this at 2:20am is probably no more intelligent. But being in the company of someone who is similarly sleep-deprived is a sure way to provide amusement for both parties. Especially when you make a spur-of-the-moment decision to spend the day in Leeds for no reason other than 'because we can'. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that Leeds is a wonderful place, but when you haven't been before and don't know what you are trying to find, alongside a case of vacuum cleaner syndrome, it doesn't make for the most productive explorations! Having said that, I had an incredible day, aided and abetted by a wonderful companion, who was right in saying that we would get back to York in time for a gospel choir concert!

And I feel it needs to be said that getting your wonderfully obliging boyfriend out of bed at 4:30am to escort you to hand in your essay is not a bad way to spend the wee sma's! Albeit a little surreal and disorientating.

However, I have conquered one impossibility in facing my fear of computers and all their friends and relations by setting up this page!! AND I did it ALL BY MYSELF! Very special and I feel that I deserve a reward. Ooooh biscuits...