Thursday, 10 July 2008


Ok, so it's not often that you have to face the ordeal of meeting your significant other's parents for the first time... In fact this was the first time I have ever had to do it, and had no idea what to do, how to behave, anything. And I am not a brave person, I am a worm.

As my friends all know, I am not a morning person. At all. So the prospect of getting on a train at half past nine at a WEEKEND did not appeal somehow. Added to the knowledge that Calv's brother and wife were coming to meet us from Wakefield. Now I'm all for meeting the family, but may suggest to others that meeting the WHOLE lot in one day only a month after the start of a relationship may be a little extreme. All went to plan as far as can be expected, I didn't do anything awful and we managed not to lose Grandma at all!

Then came a shortlived relief: we had to catch the train to Leamington Spa to Calvin's home, to meet the family there as they were driving home. I collapsed onto a train which took us to Doncaster, then changed for a train to Sheffield, then one to Birmingham and finally Royal Leamington Spa! On the train I had my first (and last) experience of the less-than-edible wonders of KFC. Never again. No really, feed me that and I will remove your limbs one by one. And eat those instead.

Ok, so I didn't die, and I'm sure the weekend was a very good idea and all; and I got to meet Georgina, one of the Sunday School kids who is a LEGEND; but really, why does his mum have to be so NICE? I just don't know how to respond to that?! She kept trying to do things for me!! Eeeek!

And we didn't fall in the canal and drown when rowing, but we got suspiciously close a few times... And Leamington Spa is so WHITE! Revolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolverrevolver...

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